Governing Body

Pondhu Primary School is an academy within the Cornwall Education Learning Trust (CELT) The Local Governing Body is a committee that reports to the board of trustees.

 The Governing Body is made up of the following members:




Rachel Clift

Head teacher


Simon Disney-Pollard

Chair of Governors


Heidi Gray

Staff governor


Paula Dunn

Staff governor


Geoff Brown



Annmarie Harry Parent Governor


Lisa Belcham

Parent Governor 


Lucy Gambier



Jonathan Palmer

Parent Governor






The LGB meets six times per year and provides support and challenge to the school.  The LGB reports back to the board of Trustees to ensure that all governance matters are addressed at local level.


If you would like to make contact with the LGB please address correspondence to


Further Governance information can be found on the CELT Governance Section – CELT website 


Prior to January 2024, the school had a Rapid Improvement Group in place of a Local Governing Body.  This was made up of Trust Leads, Trustees and Local Headteachers to secure rapid improvement within the school. As a result of the rapid and sustained improvements, the school has launched a full local governing body with the support of the Trust.  Several members of the original RIG asked to remain as part of the local governing body and some members were redeployed into other schools.



  •   Richard Baker 
  •   Clare Ridehalgh
  •   Kate Webber
  •   Ian Drake
  •   Amy Daniels  
  •   Daphne Johns 
  •   Rebecca Blizzard